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    Truth or Dare, Erotic Party Edition FR


    69 questions…, only the truth counts!

    69 challenges…, who will dare?

    The creators of the globally acclaimed erotic game “Mission Intime” return with a very sexy version of the famous “Truth or Dare”. Play and try to answer 69 naughty truths and perform 69 very daring actions. This game is a perfect concentrate of excitement and debauchery!

    “Truth or Dare” is played by 3 or more. The token indicates whether you must submit to an action, or to a truth. The “Truth” card allows you to earn points by giving an honest answer, as detailed as possible. The “Action” card allows you to earn points by carrying out the statement. If you don't want to respond or perform the action, that's no problem... but any points you could have earned are deducted from the final score. Everything is allowed and without any obligation: So, how far will you go?

    Here is a small anthology of questions and actions from this game:

    • Lie on your back, blindfolded and with your arms at your sides. The other players then each place a hand on your body. It's up to you to guess whose hand is which.

    • What is your naughtiest fantasy?

    • Spanking! Ask the player to your left for a spanking. Three taps will be enough.

    • The person to your right hides a coin under their clothes. You must find it with your eyes closed.

    Truth or Dare, Erotic Party Edition is a game to play with your friends (18+) just before or during a party or simply when your group wants “suspense and sensation”. This naughty game will give you moments of sincerity and hilarity. If you are playing on points, determine in advance what the winner can expect (from the loser).

    In short, Truth or Dare! …, who will dare?